Understanding genetic diseases

Understanding Genetics

To build your knowledge of gene therapy, it may help to first understand some basics about how your body works at the genetic level. This section provides a foundation of important information and key terms, which will help you start on your journey in learning about gene therapy.

The basics of our body

Image of a cell


Every living thing is made up of one or more building blocks called Cellsthe basic building blocks of living things; they are enclosed by a wall or membrane and have structures inside them that perform a variety of functions that help them, and/or the organism they are part, to survive

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. The human body has trillions of cells divided into different types: There are muscle cells, bone cells, kidney cells, Red blood cellsthe blood cells that carry oxygen

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 and White blood cellscells the body makes to help fight infections

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. All of these cells work together to keep us alive. Some carry out functions like converting food to energy. Other cells provide structural support, giving our organs and our body shape and strength.1
Image of a chromosome


At the center of each cell is the Nucleusa membrane-bound organelle that contains the cell’s chromosomes

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—the control center of each cell. Within the nucleus, you’ll find structures called Chromosomesan organized structure of DNA found in the nucleus of the cell. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and they receive half from their mother and half from their father

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. Our chromosomes are made up of proteins and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms

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.1 Except for sperm and egg cells, every cell in a human body normally has 23 pairs of chromosomes (for a total of 46). You inherit one set of 23 chromosomes from your mother and the other 23 from your father.2
Image of a DNA strand Image of a DNA strand


Let’s take a closer look inside chromosomes, where you’ll find DNA. You can think of DNA as the instruction manual for your body. It is made of 4 chemical building blocks:
  • Adenine (usually referred to as just “A”)
  • Cytosine (or “C”)
  • Guanine (or “G”)
  • Thymine (or “T”)
These chemical building blocks pair together to form Base pairs2 complementary DNA bases that are bonded together forming one step on the DNA ladder

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. The order (or sequence) of these base pairs carries your Genetic informationthe hereditary information coded in a person’s DNA or RNA

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. This sequence of base pairs helps to determine your physical characteristics, such as your skin color and your height.2
Now let’s talk about your Genomethe entire set of genetic instructions found in a cell nucleus

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, which is another way to describe your genetic material or your DNA. Within your genome, your DNA is organized into sections of information called Genesinstructions made of DNA used to create the proteins the body needs to function

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. Each gene is made up of a unique sequence of the building blocks we talked about above (A, C, G, T). Genes are important because they provide instructions that tell each cell how to make proteins.2
Now let’s talk about your Genomethe entire set of genetic instructions found in a cell nucleus

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, which is another way to describe your genetic material or your DNA. Within your genome, your DNA is organized into sections of information called Genesinstructions made of DNA used to create the proteins the body needs to function

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. Each gene is made up of a unique sequence of the building blocks we talked about above (A, C, G, T). Genes are important because they provide instructions that tell each cell how to make proteins.2
Image of a protein


Finally, let’s talk about proteins—one of the products that your genes instruct your cells to make. Proteins are workers. They perform a wide variety of tasks, such as powering muscles and attacking bacteria. They are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.3
Image of a protein

Gene-ius Questions

In order to tie all of the concepts in this section together, it may be helpful to think about how they relate to each other.

At the smallest level, a large amount of base pairs (chemical building blocks A, C, G, T) make up DNA. Sections of DNA then make up genes. Multiple strands of DNA wind around themselves and other structural proteins to create chromosomes. And last, chromosomes are located inside the nucleus of a cell.2

Defining DNA: coding and non-coding

The genome (all the DNA in the body) includes regions that are coding and non-coding.1

Coding DNAregions within a gene that provide the instructions to produce a protein

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refers to regions within a gene that provide the instructions to produce a protein. There are an estimated 20,000 genes that code for proteins in the human genome, making up about 1% of the genome.1,4

Non-coding DNADNA sequences that do not code for amino acids; some non-coding DNA has no known function, while other non-coding DNA plays a role in regulating gene expression

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makes up approximately 99% of the human genome. Non-coding DNA does not provide instructions to produce proteins but may serve other functions, such as1:

  • Giving a cell the instructions to regulate when and where a gene is turned on and off1
  • Telling a cell how to produce different types of Ribonucleic acid (RNA)a nucleic acid that is present in all human cells. It is the product of transcription and acts as an intermediary between DNA and proteins

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    , another nucleic acid closely related to DNA that is involved in making proteins (protein synthesis)1
  • Showing where the beginning and end of a gene is1
  • Providing structural elements to chromosomes, such as Telomeresrepetitive sequence of noncoding DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the chromosome from damage during cell division

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    , which protect the ends of chromosomes from degrading when the DNA is replicating1

Gene-ius Questions

Image of gene transcription and translationGenetic codes are instructions that your DNA gives to your cells to make specific proteins. If you recall, a genetic code is made up of the letters A, C, G, and T. Three-letter combinations of these letters (eg, GCA) provide the code for Amino acidsa set of 20 different molecules used to build proteins

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 that are needed to make proteins. These proteins then go on to perform the essential functions of the cell.1
Image of gene transcription and translation

Where do our genes come from?
Genes are passed down from our parents, which is why key traits tend to remain the same across family members.1 Every person has 2 copies of each gene; 1 of each of the 23 chromosomes you inherit from each parent. And 99.9% of the genes in the human genome are identical from person to person.1 The rest are variants, meaning they can vary a small amount from person to person. These variants are called alleles. Alleles account for many of the differences we have from person to person, such as physical traits like eye color, or whether you are at higher or lower risk for certain diseases.5

Genes are passed down from our parents, which is why key traits tend to remain the same across family members.1

Every person has 2 copies of each gene; 1 of each of the 23 chromosomes you inherit from each parent. And 99.9% of the genes in the human genome are identical from person to person.1 The rest are variants, meaning they can vary a small amount from person to person. These variants are called Allelesany variant of a gene that can be found in the same place on a specific chromosome

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. Alleles account for many of the differences we have from person to person, such as physical traits like eye color, or whether you are at higher or lower risk for certain diseases.5

Just like all genes, you inherit alleles—one from your mother and one from your father. So you can have 2 identical alleles, or they can be different. If they are different, 1 allele will be Dominanta genetic trait that appears when there is only one copy of that gene

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, and 1 allele will be Recessivea trait that appears only when a person has two copies of a gene

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. In these cases, the dominant allele will determine which trait will be expressed.5
Example of genetic inheritance from parents to children

Gene-ius Questions

Gene expression is how your cells use information from your genes to create products like proteins. It’s how we develop our observable traits (such as our hair or eye colors) that come from the genes we inherit from our parents. In other words, it is a physical expression of the information in our genes.2

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1. National Institutes of Health. Genetics Home Reference. Help me understand genetics. Accessed July 1, 2021. https://medlineplus.gov/download/genetics/understanding/primer.pdf 2. Genetic Alliance; The New York–Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetic and Newborn Screening Services. Understanding Genetics: A New York, Mid-Atlantic Guide for Patients and Health Professionals. Genetic Alliance Monographs and Guides; 2009. 3. National Institutes of Health. Genetics Home Reference. How genes work. Accessed July 1, 2021. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/understanding/howgeneswork/protein 4. Salzberg SL. Open questions: how many genes do we have? BMC Biol. 2018;16(94):1-3. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12915-018-0564-x 5. Jackson M, Marks L, May GHW, Wilson JB. The genetic basis of disease. Essays Biochem. 2018;62:643-723.

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